Here are the challenges I'm participating in for 2010. Best be more prepared this time around XD It may seem like I'm signing up for a LOT of challenges and...well that's true, but mainly it's because I prefer a solid goal when I try to accomplish something (ex. reading a lot). Plus, I like lists 8D
Participated Challenges
A to Z Challenge 2010
New Author Challenge 2010
Debut Author Challenge 2010
The Pub Challenge 2010
Chunkster Challenge 2010
Stand Alone Challenge 2010
Audio Book Challenge 2010
Books Won Challenge 2010
TwentyTen Challenge
Take Another Chance Challenge 2010
The 4 Month Challenge Part 3 INCOMPLETE
What's in a Name? Challenge 2010
China Challenge 2010
POC Challenge 2010
GLBT Challenge 2010
Young Adult Challenge 2010
Once Upon A Time Challenge 2010
Fantasy Challenge 2010
Science-Fiction Challenge 2010
Thriller & Suspense Challenge 2010
Dystopian Challenge 2010
1st in a Series Challenge 2010
2nd in a Series Challenge 2010
Terry Prachett Challenge 2010
A to Z Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 13/52 books (25%)
Read alphabetically by author, title, or both. There are three levels of participation:
x Authors - Read alphabetically by author (26 books)
x Titles - Read alphabetically by title (26 books)
√ Authors & Titles - Read alphabetically by author and title (52 books)
Alphabet of Authors
Carriger, Gail: Soulless
Parasol Protectorate #1
Doyle, Arthur Conan: A Study in Scarlet
Sherlock Holmes Novels #1
(audio book read by John Telfer)
Levithan, David: Love is the Higher Law
Meyer, Nicholas: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
franchise: Sherlock Holmes
Nayeri, Daniel & Dina: Another Faust
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
Alphabet of Titles
New Author Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up + review post
Progress 10/25 authors (40%)
Find new authors that you’ve never tried before. They can be in your genre of choice or be brave and try something new. There are three levels of particpation:
x Level 1 - 15 New Authors
√ Level 2 - 25 New Authors
x Level 3 - 50 New Authors
- William Shatner: Collision Course
Star Trek Academy #1
- Perry Moore: Hero
- David Levithan: Love is the Higher Law
- William Gibson: Neuromancer
Sprawl Trilogy #1
- Daniel & Dina Nayeri: Another Faust
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
- Gail Carriger: Soulless
Parasol Protectorate #1
- Helen Ellis: What Curiosity Kills
The Turning #1
- Nicholas Meyer: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
franchise: Sherlock Holmes
- Kristin Cashore: Graceling
Seven Kingdoms #1
- Lynn Flewelling: Luck in the Shadows
Nightrunner #1
Debut Author Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
details post
Progress 1/12 books (8%)
The objective is to read at least 12 YA (Young Adult) or MG (Middle Grade) novels from debut authors published this year.
- What Curiosity Kills by Helen Ellis
The Turning #1
possible titles
- The Rise of Renegade X by Chelsea Campbell
- The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard
- Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
- Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
Nightshade #1
- Wolves, Boys and Other Things That Might Kill Me by Kristen Chandler
- The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
Inheritance Trilogy #1
- Monster Republic by Ben Horton
Divinity Project #1
- The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
Iron Fey #1
- Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
- The Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride
- Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore
The Pub Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 0/10 books (0%)
Read a minimum of 10 books first published in 2010 in your own country. Newly published trade paperbacks and mass market paperbacks do not count if there has been a hardcover/trade published before 2010. No children’s/YA titles allowed, since we’re at the ‘pub.’ At least 5 titles must be fiction.
possible titles
- The Spirit Lens by Carol Berg
Collegia Magica #1
Chunkster Challenge 2010

February 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011
sign-up post | review post
Progress 0/6 books (0%)
A chunkster is 450 pages or more of ADULT literature (fiction or nonfiction). There are three levels of participation:
x The Chubby Chunkster - 3 books
x Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? - 4 books
√ Mor-book-ly Obese - 6 books of 450 pages OR 3 books of 750 pages
possible titles
- 544 pages: Dawnthief by James Barclay
Chronicles of the Raven #1
- 448 pages: Transformation by Carol Berg
Rai-Kirah Trilogy #1
- 496 pages: The Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
The Watch #1
Stand Alone Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
details post
Progress 2/15 books (13%)
Read a set number of Stand Alone Books. There are three levels of participation:
x SAB-erful - 5 books
√ SAB-erific - 15 books
x SAB-tastic - 25 books
- Hero by Perry Moore
- Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
Audio Book Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 4/6 audio books (66%)
Listen to a set number of Audio Books. There are four levels of participation:
x Curious - Listen to 3 Audio Books
√ Fascinated - Listen to 6 Audio Books
x Addicted - Listen to 12 Audio Books
x Obsessed - Listen to 20 Audio Books
- A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Novels #1
(audio book read by John Telfer; 4h20min)
- The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Novels #2
(audio book read by John Telfer; 4h15min)
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Anthologies #1
(audio book read by John Telfer; 10h15min)
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren; 11h)
Books Won Challenge 2010

January 2, 2010 - December 31, 2010
details post
Progress 2/9 books (22%)
Read and review some of the books you have won from other bloggers. Audiobooks count, as long as you won them. As do won e-books. There are four levels of participation:
x Honorable Mention - Read 1-3 book you won
x Bronze - Read 4-6 books you won
√ Silver - Read 7-9 Books you won
x Gold - Read 10 or more books you won
- Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
- Soulless by Gail Carriger
Parasol Protectorate #1
possible titles
see full list of books I've won here
TwentyTen Challenge

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
details post
Progress 12/20 books (60%)
Read two books from each of the following categories:
o1) Young Adult
young adult genre or featuring teenage protagonist
o2) T.B.R.
books must be on shelves by 1/11/09
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
- Soulless by Gail Carriger
Parasol Protectorate #1
o3) Shiny & New
bought during 2010 (second-hand books do not count)
o4) Bad Blogger’s
books recommended by another blogger (reviews should link to their post)
o5) Charity
books from local charity shops
o6) New in 2010
books newly published in 2010
o7) Older Than You
books published before you were born
- A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle [1887]
Sherlock Holmes Novels #1
(audio book read by John Telfer)
- The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle [1890]
Sherlock Holmes Novels #2
(audio book read by John Telfer)
o8) Win! Win!
books you need to read for another challenge
- Collision Course by William Shatner [1st in a Series Challenge]
Star Trek Academy #1
- Poison Sleep by T.A. Pratt [2nd in a Series Challenge]
Marla Mason #2
o9) Who Are You Again?
for authors you’ve never read/never even heard of before
1o) Up to You! → Graphic Novels
requirements for this category are up to you; state it in your sign-up post
Take Another Chance Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 2/12 categories (17%)
The challenge is all about taking chances with your reading by finding books to read in unusual or random ways. Three levels of participation:
x A Small Gamble - Complete any 3 of the 12 challenges described below
x A Moderate Gamble - Complete any 6 of the 12 challenges described below
√ Gambling It All - Complete all 12 of the challenges described below
Each category completed gives entries to a contest for a $25 book of choice from Amazon! If you complete all 12 challenges, you will earn 5 extra entries into the drawing.
Challenge 1: Read Your Doppelganger (1 entry)
read an author who has the same initials/the same first name/the same last name/exact same name as you
Challenge 2: Blogroll Roulette (1 entry)
find a blogroll with least 15 book blogs on it; use to generate a number from 1-15, then go to the blog that is in that slot down the list; pick a book to read from the books that have been reviewed on their blog
Challenge 3: 100 Best Book (1 entry)
from one of these lists (here), choose a book to read that you haven't read before
- Neuromancer by William Gibson [Top 100 Sci-Fi Books]
Sprawl Trilogy #1
Challenge 4: Prize Winner Book (1 entry)
pick one of the past winners from one of the major literary awards on this list (here)
Challenge 5: Title Word Count (1 entry)
use to generate a number from 1-5 and find a book to read that has that number of words in the title | random number: 3
Challenge 6: Genre Switch-Up (1 entry)
from this list of book genres, pick a genre that you have NEVER read before
Challenge 7: Break A Prejudice (1 entry)
read a book that fits your reading prejudice (authors/genres/publishers you don't like) then write about the reading prejudice you had BEFORE you read the book and how reading the book either changed your prejudice or reinforced it
Challenge 8: Real and Inspired (2 entries)
read both an original work and a book inspired by that original work, then write about both books in one post
Challenge 9: Same Word, Different Book (2 entries)
find two books that have the same word in the title
Challenge 10: Become A Character (2 entries)
read any book you want, then write about the book as one of the characters from the book; the character can comment on his/her treatment by the author, other characters, the "untold story," what happened next, and so forth
Challenge 11: All in the Family (2 entries)
find two authors from the same family (either by blood or by marriage) and read a book by each of the authors | Justine Larbalestier & Scott Westerfeld (married)
Challenge 12: Author Anthology Pick (2 entries)
read at least 5 entries in an anthology; of the 5 entries you've read, pick your favorite one and then find a book by that writer and read it; write about the anthology, your favorite pick from the anthology, and the book you read by your favorite pick
The 4 Month Challenge Part 3

March 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010
details post
INCOMPLETE 35/250 points (14%)
Read a title that fits each of the following requirements.
o1) Read a book by an author you’ve never read before (5 points)
o2) Read a book with a one word title (5 points)
o3) Read a book with an animal name in the title (5 points)
o4) Read a book with a proper name in the title (5 points)
o5) Read a fantasy (5 points)
o6) Read an ‘Austenesque’ book (10 points)
o7) Read a book with a two word title (10 points)
o8) Read a book that is part of a series (10 points)
o9) Read a book about a real person (10 points)
1o) Read a mystery (10 points)
11) Read a book written in the 60’s (any century) (15 points)
12) Read a book with a number in the title (15 points)
13) Read a book by an author born in March, April, May or June. (15 points)
- Soulless by Gail Carriger
Parasol Protectorate #1
14) Read a book with a three word title (15 points)
15) Read a book by an author with three names (15 points)
16) Read a book with over 500 pages (20 points)
17) Read a book with a four word title (20 points)
18) Read a book by two authors (20 points)
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
19) Read a book written in the 70s (any century) (20 points)
2o) Read a book that has been number one on the NYT Best-sellers list (20 points)
What's in a Name? Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
details post
Progress 3/6 categories (50%)
Read one book from each of the following categories:
o1) A book with a "food" in its title.
- Poison Sleep by T.A. Pratt [Poison = ingestible substance, ergo "bad" Food?]
Marla Mason #2
o2) A book with a "body of water" in its title.
o3) A book with a "title (queen, president)" in its title.
- Graceling by Kristin Cashore [Graceling = person with Grace]
Seven Kingdoms #1
o4) A book with a "plant" in its title.
o5) A book with a "place name" in its title.
- NYX: Wannabe by Joe Quesada [NYX = New York District X]
(graphic novel)
o6) A book with a "music term" in its title.
China Challenge 2010

September 1, 2009 - September 1, 2010
sign-up + review post
Progress 0/10 books (0%)
We hear about China all the time in the news. It has one of the richest and longest literary histories in the world. It's a huge and changing country, and there are a million books out there to enjoy. There are four levels of participation:
x Armchair Traveler - Read 1 book about China.
x Fast Train to Shanghai - Read 3 books about China. 1 must be by a Chinese author (translated or in English). 1 should nonfiction.
√ Hiking the Great Wall - Read 10 books about China. 1 should be a work of translated fiction. 1 should be nonfiction. 1 should be about Chinese immigrants/diaspora.
x Silk Road Trek - Same as above, but must complete 3 bonus tasks listed.
possible titles
- Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart
Master Li and Number Ten Ox #1
- Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon
- Ash by Malinda Lo
POC Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 2/9 books (22%)
For this challenge all you need to do is grab the button and add it to a post saying you are committed to reading POC authors and characters in this coming year. You do not have to pick your books now but you have to sign up to a level of how many you will read. There will be five levels of participation:
x Level 1 - Read 1-3 POC books
x Level 2 - Read 4-6 POC books
√ Level 3 - Read 7-9 POC books
x Level 4 - Read 10-15 POC books
x Level 5 - Read 16-25 POC books
- Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
- NYX: Wannabe by Joe Quesada
(graphic novel)
possible titles
- Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves
- Warchild by Karin Lowachee
- Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart
Master Li and Number Ten Ox #1
- Nothing But the Truth by Justina Chen Headley
GLBT Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 3/12 books (25%)
The basic idea of this challenge is to read books about GLBT topics and/or by GLBT authors. There are three levels of participation:
x Lambda Level - Read 4 books
x Pink Triangle Level - Read 8 books
√ Rainbow Level - Read 12 or more books
- Hero by Perry Moore
- Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
- Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunner #1
possible titles
- Ash by Malinda Lo
- Angels of the Deep by Kirby Crow
- Among the Living by Jordon Castillo Price
PsyCop #1
- Hemovore by Jordon Castillo Price
- Alliance in Blood by Ariel Tachna
Partnership in Blood #1
- Lone by Rowan McBride
- Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville
- Cut & Run by Abigail Roux and Madeline Urban
Young Adult Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 5/12 books (42%)
Read a set number of Young Adult novels. There are four levels of participation:
√ The Mini Challenge - Read 12 Young Adult novels
x Just My Size Challenge - Read 25 Young Adult novels
x Stepping It Up Challenge - Read 50 Young Adult novels
x Super Size Me Challenge - Read 75 Young Adult novels
- Hero by Perry Moore
- Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
- What Curiosity Kills by Helen Ellis
The Turning #1
- Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Seven Kingdoms Trilogy #1
possible titles
- Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
Killer Unicorns #1
- Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
- Ash by Malinda Lo
- Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Hunger Games Trilogy #1
- Child of Fire by Harry Connolly
Twenty Palaces #1
- Skin Hunger by Kathleen Duey
Resurrection of Magic #1
- Nation by Terry Prachett
- The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud
Bartimaeus Trilogy #1
Once Upon A Time Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 1/5 books (20%)
This challenge is quite the fairy tales you grew up reading but from another view than Disney's version. There are so many great fairy tale books out there, that might take the same story we know but with an added twist. I am going to make this an easy challenge to finish, and say the goal is to read at least 5 books, again if you want to go big or go more!
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri [Faust]
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren; 11h)
possible titles
- Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce [Red Riding Hood]
- Firebird by Mercedes Lackey [Russian fairytales]
- Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor [Alice in Wonderland]
Looking Glass Wars Trilogy #1
- Ash by Malinda Lo [Cinderella]
- Bridge of Birds by Barry Hughart [Chinese fairytales]
Master Li and Number Ten Ox #1
Fantasy Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 2/6 books (33%)
Read a set number of fantasy fiction novles. There are four levels of participation:
x Curious - Read 3 Fantasy Fiction novels
√ Fascinated - Read 6 Fantasy Fiction novels
x Addicted - Read 12 Fantasy Fiction novels
x Obsessed - Read 20 Fantasy Fiction novels
- Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunner #1
- Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Seven Kingdoms Trilogy #1
possible titles
- Firebird by Mercedes Lackey
Science-Fiction Challenge 2010

August 28, 2009 - August 8, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 2/8 books (25%)
Read 3.14 or 8 books (or audio books) of the science-fiction genre.
- Collision Course by William Shatner
Star Trek Academy #1
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
Sprawl Trilogy #1
possible titles
- Warchild by Karin Lowachee
- Recursion by Tony Ballantyne
Thriller & Suspense Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up + review post
Progress 0/12 books (0%)
Read 12 Thriller & Suspense novels in 2010.
possible titles
- Hunting Fear by Kay Hooper
Bishop Special Crimes Unit #7
- Chill of Fear by Kay Hooper
Bishop Special Crimes Unit #8
- Heartsick by Chelsea Cain
Beauty Killer #1
Dystopian Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - August 24, 2010
sign-up + review post
Progress 1/10 books (10%)
Read a set number of dystopian fiction novels. There are three levels of participation:
x Experimental - 5 books
√ Addict - 10 books
x Junkee - 20 books
Level 3 (Junkee) participants will get a dystopian button with their blog or name on it and entry into a contest to win The Hunger Games: Book 3.
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
Sprawl Trilogy #1
possible titles
- Truancy by Isamu Fukui
- Recursion by Tony Ballantyne
- The Lab by Jack Heath
Lab #1
- Warchild by Karin Lowachee
- The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks
Fourth Realm #1
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Hunger Games Trilogy #1
1st in a Series Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 8/12 books (67%)
Read a set number of novels that are first in a series. There are four levels of participation:
x Curious - Read 3 novels that are first in a series
xFascinated - Read 6 novels that are first in a series
√ Addicted - Read 12 novels that are first in a series
x Obsessed - Read 20 novels that are first in a series
- A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Novels #1
(audio book read by John Telfer)
- Collision Course by William Shatner
Star Trek Academy #1
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
Sprawl Trilogy #1
- Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Another #1
(audio book read by Katherine Kellgren)
- Soulless by Gail Carriger
Parasol Protectorate #1
- Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunner #1
- What Curiosity Kills by Helen Ellis
The Turning #1
- Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Seven Kingdoms Trilogy #1
possible series
- Skin Hunger by Kathleen Duey
Resurrection of Magic #1
2nd in a Series Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
sign-up post | review post
Progress 2/6 books (33%)
Read a set number of novels that are 2nd in a series or second time you've read the author. There are four levels of participation:
x Curious - Read 3 novels that are 2nd in a series
√ Fascinated - Read 6 novels that are 2nd in a series
x Addicted - Read 12 novels that are 2nd in a series
x Obsessed - Read 20 novels that are 2nd in a series
- The Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Novels #2
(audio book read by John Telfer)
- Poison Sleep by T.A. Pratt
Marla Mason #2
Terry Prachett Challenge 2010

December 1, 2009 - November 30, 2010
details post
Progress 0/5 books (0%)
You can either be reading the books for the first time, rereading, or even watching the TV adaptations if you like! As long as everyone has fun I will be happy! Please also do not feel limited to only reading the Discworld books as any books by Terry Pratchett will count for this challenge. There are several different levels of participation for you to choose from:
x Cashier at Ankh-Morpork Mint - 1-3 books
√ Guard of the City Watch - 4-5 books
x Academic at the Unseen University - 6-8 books
x Member of Granny Weatherwax's Coven - 9-10 books
x Death's Apprentice - 10-12 books
possible titles
- Nation
- The Colour of Magic
Discworld #1
- The Light Fantastic
Discworld #2
Thanks for signing up for the GLBT Challenge!
ooooh, this GLBT Challenge looks interesting. lol good luck with your challenges! =D
Welcome to the YA reading challenge! So glad you are joining us!
YAY! Thanks for joining the debut author challenge! It's going to be so much fun! And what a great list! Happy reading!
Thanks for signing up for the Terry Pratchett challenge! I am looking forward to reading more from you as the challenge progresses!
SOME GIRlS ARE by Courtney Summers is breathtaking. It's even better than CRACKED UP TO BE and that is one of my favorite books ever and the book that inspired me to write YA! Courtney is tops!
So glad you've joined the What's in a Name challenge. Have fun!u
@ Daisy Whitney
thank you for the comment! I'm now more excited than before to read the book! Cracked Up to Be sounds good too, and it does sound rather inspirational, I hope this will encourage me to read more high school fiction =)
What great challenges! Thanks so much for including Nightshade :)
Welcome to the Take Another Chance Challenge! I'm so glad you decided to join in the fun. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing what books you end up reading! Have fun!
Welcome to the Books Won Challenge. You sure won a lot of books. I'm glad your going to read a few. I have quite a few myself.
Thanks for joining my Thriller & Suspense challenge. I hope you have fun with it! Happy Reading! :)
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