Read, Remember, Recommend for Teens
created by Rachelle Rogers Knight
Perfect for teens who love to read and those who need a companion for school assignments or summer reading programs, Read, Remember, Recommend for Teens offers more than 2400 award-winning and notable reading suggestions in many genres, cross-referenced to help parents and teens chose the right books for them.
{ genre
PG for teens
{ rating
September 1, 2008
{ first released
Sourcebooks paperback (352 pages)
{ review edition
received from publicist
{ acquisition ; ;
IndieBound ;
Book Depository { purchase links
Why I Read This
Expressed my interest in another blogger's review and was contacted by the publicist.
Overall Rating
A very organized, detailed and pretty checklist+journal for award-winning and "notable" young adult book recommendations. I definitely recommend this journal for people who like reading challenges, collecting/recording reading recommendations, and/or would like to read some good books published in the past that they may not have heard of. Though it doesn't have the limitless storage capacity of the internet, it could be a great companion on laptop-less holiday trips too.
review posted to, Book Depository, goodreads, LibraryThing, Shelfari
Awards and Notable Lists: Each section of this book is separated by a pop-out tab for easy access. The first section is made up of a thick stack of checklists. Each list is headed by the name of the award, along with a short but helpful description of the meaning and history of that award. The lists themselves are organized by year, and then goes further to label each book by it's genre (ex. juvenile, fiction vs. non-fiction) and suggested age group. There are also little symbols for those books that have won multiple awards (ex. $$$ or ##...a little confusing for highly awarded books since they look a bit like the results of a keysmash at first lol), accompanied by a detailed footnote decoder at the end of the section. The checklist columns are similar to what you would find on online bookshelves: own, recommend, to read, want. There are also lists that were compiled by libraries and listed by themes (ex. sports, books by teens, books for reluctant readers). These lists are all listed by name in the table of contents so they're easy to find as well. The last few pages of the section provides a few blank checklists for you to make your own lists for book clubs, favourites, TBR lists, etc.
To Read: About 7-8 pages of boxes for your TBR additions. Probably not practical for those people who have hugeass online TBR piles like me, but it definitely works for listing recommended titles of a specific theme (ex. series, non-fiction, classics, foreign).
Journal Pages: First few pages are a "what I've read" listing. Just two simple columns, title and date/page #. Then there are more detailed boxes that basically prompt mini-reviews that include: reason for reading, recommendations, and comments/thoughts. These pages alternate with pages for even more detailed reviews that include sections like: words to define, and passages to remember. There are quite a few pages so it can probably fit up to 30 books or so.
Recommendations: A place to list books that you would recommend to others. There's room for about 90 entries.
Loaner Lists: For keeping track of books you lend to other people, great for those who often share books with friends. About 120 entries.
Resources: Lists of teen library websites, book blogs, and author websites, along with definitions of some literary terms (ex. allegory, epic, gothic) and an index of authors and book titles.
Meme Features
In My Mailbox: 2010/03/28
Hooray you're back! The blogsphere has missed you :)
This book sounds like a good resource and I think it's cool that they recommend book blogs too and have a loan space. I rarely lend out books to friends (not because I don't want to, but because they don't read. or they don't express interest in reading) but I do have one friend who i'm pretty sure still has at least 3 books of mine. haha
@ missattitude
thanks! I hope I can be back with more posts soon! =)
my reader is bursting at the seams with 1000+ entries to sift through...hope I catch up somehow lol
ah yuan and I swap books almost every time we meet up so it's nice to have somewhere to write it down heh
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