My Giveaways & Announcements
★ new rating system with umbrellas! because they are cute! ☂☂☂
★ new giveaway coming soon!
★ GIVEAWAY: Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings! (US/Canada)
2 copies with signed bookplates! ends December 21st!
★ new giveaway coming soon!
★ GIVEAWAY: Real Mermaids Don't Wear Toe Rings! (US/Canada)
2 copies with signed bookplates! ends December 21st!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
award: Who Loves You Baby + 50 Followers
Thanks to miss cindy from oodles of books for this sweet award =)
I just noticed I've got almost 50 followers! So, I would like to award this to every one who has followed me thus far! I know I'm not exactly the most social comment-replyer and I'm trying to fix that, but thank you all for sticking with this blog in all its amateur-ness!
Now, I don't really have many books I can give away at the moment for celebration (most of the ones I own I haven't read myself yet lol) and I'm a bit short on funds, even for Book Depository purchases. However, I'm debating whether I should have a free custom layouts/graphics giveaway. Examples of my work...well the current layout I'm using is the first Blogger layout I've designed so far (I've done a few livejournal and freestyle layouts before), but I'm quite flexible with themes: professional, casual, bright, dark, etc.
If anyone's interested, let me know in the comments =)
Congrats on the award and the followers.
Congrats on the award and on the rise of your followers.
I have to say if this is your first layout on blogs it is really, really nice. I like the way everything fits together so nicely, in size and everything. Great job!
Dooooooooooo the layout giveaway!! DO IT!! Congrats on the award and the almost 50 followers thing. :D
Congrats on your award!
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