More inexpensive ebook goodies!
7 hours ago
When absent-minded Professor Random misplaces the main character from Alice in Wonderland, young Henry Witherspoon must book-jump to fetch Alice before chaos theory kicks in and the world vanishes. Along the way he meets Winnie Flapjack, a wit-cracking doodle witch with nothing to her name but a magic feather and a plan. Such as it is. Henry and Winnie brave the Dark Queen, whatwolves, pirates, Struths, and fluttersmoths, Priscilla and Charybdis, obnoxiously cheerful vampires, Baron Samedi, a nine-dimensional cat, and one perpetually inebriated Muse to rescue Alice and save the world by tea time.
Doesn't it sound rather awesome? The recent Alice in Wonderland hype is getting me in the mood for a wacky story like this. Plus, the author kindly sent some really adorable swag, including bookmarks, a rubber ducky, little leaves+feathers, some tea, a chocolate bar (already eaten), and a letter with reading notes!
Won from strange and random happenstance +signed!
Legendary L.A. psychologist-turned-novelist Kellerman raids real life when inventing the adventures of his psychologist sleuth, Dr. Alex Delaware, and some of the scariest parts of Survival of the Fittest are historical. Eugenicists lurk behind a murder spree Alex must solve, and he notes that the eugenics movement involved one elite U.S. college professor who advocated castration of ethnically lesser men, a forced sterilization ordered by Supreme Court Justice Holmes that Hitler used as a precedent to sterilize millions, and the pre-Holocaust coinage of the phrase "final solution."
First heard about this series because the hero's friend is gay. I've been looking for a few books to add to my GLBT reading challenge list, and this was perfect (also, it was in my country so it only cost me one point 8D). Plus, not in the mood for an erotic novel, of which there are too many, I want to read about a gay character who isn't defined by his gay love. And, I heard the gay friend is the buff muscle who barges in to save the hero, so yeah, awesomeness.
Mooched from BookMooch
Random Magic looks great! Enjoy!
Random Magic looks good! :)
Happy reading and happy holidays! :)
Random Magic is a really fun book, I had the chance to read and review it for a blog tour. Enjoy!
Jonathan Kellerman has gotten better and better over the years. Happy reading!
Here's mine
Have fun with your reads. Looks like you got some swag too - love that!
Great books! That cover looks so much like Nicole Kidman to me! hehe!
Here's what I got this week!
Happy Holidays!
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